Abelo.Finance Yield Farming Guide

3 min readDec 28, 2020

Steps for yield farming:

1.Connect wallet to Abelo.Finance;

2.Create a liquidity pool or add liquidity to earn LP Token;

3.Stake LP Token to earn yield farming rewards.

1. How to connect wallet

Visit www.abelo.finance, and click [Connect to Wallet] on the upper right corner.

Tip: Take Tronlink wallet as an example here.

2. Create a liquidity pool and add liquidity

Steps for creating a liquidity pool

Step 1: Click [Pool] at the navigation bar and then click [Create a pair].

Step 2: Choose tokens and input quantities, then click [Confirm].

Step 3: Authorize on the connected wallet

Click [Accept] to authorize token for the pool and wait for TRON network block packing and confirmation.

Step 4:After multiple authorizations and the confirmation, you can check the liquidity pool on the [Home] page.

3. Steps for adding liquidity

Step 1: Click [Pool] at the navigation bar and then click [Add Liquidity].

Step 2: Choose [Single asset] or [Double assets],and then choose token, input quantity, and click [Supply].

Step 3: Click [Confirm Supply] to add liquidity, authorize on the connected wallet and wait for confirmation

3. Stake LP Token for yield farming

Step 1: Click [Stake] at the navigation bar and choose a pool.

Step 2: Input the quantity of LP Token, and then click [Stake].

Step 3: Check the real time earnings in the pool after authorization.

Step 4: Claim rewards

Choose [Unstake & Claim] or [Claim Rewards] to claim rewards.




Abelo.Finance is a DEX protocol to exchange TRC20 tokens on TRON. We are the “Sushiswap” on TRON.